Admission criteria

Point-based admission system for the candidates applying
to the Doctoral School of the University of Silesia in Katowice






Research project plan (up to 1500 characters with spaces) signed by the candidate and the candidate for a supervisor

The project should include:

– scientific aim of the project (scientific problem that the candidate undertakes, research questions and hypotheses) (up to 5 points)

– the importance of the project for the discipline (justification for undertaking research in this area, innovation of the project) (up to 4 points)

– general research plan (indicating preliminary stages of the research procedure) (up to 5 points)

– research methodology (methods, techniques, research tools) (up to 5 points)

– literature (10 most important bibliographic items that the candidate intends to use) (up to 1 point)

– if the candidate is going to be part of a research team, it is necessary to describe his/her contribution to the research project

20 points




During the interview, the candidate presents the planned project (the concept of a PhD thesis).

Elements of assessment:

– “defence” of the research project – answers to questions about the project

– knowledge of the research area

– knowledge of English appropriate to a given area (cf. § 8 section 4 of the resolution)

– predisposition to conduct research and present its results

50 points

(30 points minimum)


Academic achievements

– conference presentations (domestic conference: 1 point, foreign conference, i.e. taking place abroad: 3 points; 3 points maximum)[1]

– authorship or co-authorship of publications in journals and books published by publishing house from ministerial lists[2] (monograph: 10 points, chapter in the monograph: 2 points, article in a journal: 5 points; 10 points maximum)[3]

– implementation of a research project financed from external funds (principal investigator: 4 points, investigator: 2 points; 4 points maximum)[4]

– other scientific or artistic achievements (5 points maximum)

22 points


International cooperation

– participation in the Erasmus programme or other international exchange programme (3 points maximum)

– projects implemented jointly with research institutions from abroad, including internships and scholarships abroad (5 points maximum)

8 points




100 points



Tel.: +48 32 359 22 72

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